“variações infímas podem alterar irreversivelmente o padrão dos acontecimentos” Uma simples mistificação dos economistas americanos, fazendo tábua rasa da distinção entre o Valor de Uso e o Valor de Troca das mercadorias, cientificamente dada a conhecer á Humanidade por Karl Marx em “O Capital” moldou o mundo do pós-guerra tal e qual o conhecemos.

domingo, janeiro 08, 2012

Desatre nuclear de Fukushima provocou cerca de 14 mil mortos nos EUA

During the first few months when the Fukushima disaster was unfolding, NaturalNews reported on radiation spikes in milk
and the general food supply, both in the US and abroad. Though tangible harm in humans was not necessarily evident at that time, it now appears that this systemic poisoning translated into thousands of known deaths, and likely tens of thousands more cases of cancer and other illnesses.


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