“variações infímas podem alterar irreversivelmente o padrão dos acontecimentos” Uma simples mistificação dos economistas americanos, fazendo tábua rasa da distinção entre o Valor de Uso e o Valor de Troca das mercadorias, cientificamente dada a conhecer á Humanidade por Karl Marx em “O Capital” moldou o mundo do pós-guerra tal e qual o conhecemos.

sábado, dezembro 31, 2011

Rainer W. Fassbinder: "Lola" - Trailer (1981)

"... the importation of this brand of Americana into a German environment, Fassbinder arguably makes a broader comment regarding his skepticism towards the influence of the US economy during this period (...)
The presence of commodities such as TVs and radios permeate the film, and the construction of a new building (later noted by Fassbinder as symbolic of the future, both due to its existence and the forces that created it) is central to the plot. Lola herself is one of these very "commodities" and one that's desperate to become socially-acceptable (...)
the film boasts some astonishing photography and some magnificent individual scenes - Lola's cabaret act; the country church. Plus, Barbara Sukowa is truly gorgeous in the title role - one of the sexiest performances in cinema? (recensão daqui)

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